A review by andrearbooks
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi


The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi is a book from my childhood. I have a list of throwback reads I'm slowly making my way through. When I saw this one at the used bookstore for less than a dollar, I decided to bring it home. Y'all? What is this book? And why were we reading this as children? I was really into historical fiction as a kiddo, so it would make sense that I read this at some point, but what? First off, Charlotte is sent on a ship solo to America. There are supposed to be some other families to watch over her, but for one reason or another, they don't come with, so it's just her and the crew. (By the way, there are spoilers ahead, but you've also had like twenty five years to read this, so I don't feel so bad.) While on the ship, so many things go down. Charlotte becomes an informant for the captain about any potential mutinies, a dude dies, the captain confronts the mutiny, there is a murder, Charlotte gets accused of murder, Charlotte is acquitted, and then Charlotte somehow becomes captain? I could totally see how historical loving grade school Andrea would have like this, but as an adult, I'm not so sure.