A review by lestaslettering
Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey


DNF @ 85%

Where do I start? An NPD mother , childhood physical, emotional and verbal abuse. You could've have had a trigger warning, at the least. It's really painful for an abuse survivor to read a book like that. I thought this book would be like a refresher to The Mediator series by Meg Cabot but its safe to say I liked Susannah Simons better than any of the one dimensional characters in this book. Another problem I had with this book was the year, it was set in. Victorian England or Russian Monarchy lifestyles and accents are something I adore when done properly. Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare or My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand capture the essence perfectly but this book steered way off the path that the writing was more disturbing and infuriating. Violet is an idiot, I don't buy the "love" between her and Colin, every single character was exasperating. I have several choice words for her mother which would be inappropriate even in the 21st century. I recommend it to no one looking for a good spirit story or crime mystery. You are better off reading The Mediator by Meg Cabot or Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake or even the good old Nancy Drew series. If you want to enjoy a good story of espionage, go for Night School series by C.J.Daughterly or even Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter. In other words, run far far away from a booooooorrrrrringggg book like this. Boring is not even the worst thing about it. This deserves negative stars.