A review by kitabista
Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke


this was a weird read, but the perfect type of weird, where it felt like it was made just for me. short too, read it entirely in one train ride and it was perfection.

when i was younger, i used to play a lot of virtual reality games (imvu) or sims, and i often had nightmares that i was stuck in those games. when i was a freshman in college, we used this software aleks to do chemistry problems and i used to also have nightmares of being stuck there. so i understood the premise of this book on a cellular level - being stuck in slack. genius.

i also use slack a lot in my daily life at work so i found the format of slack conversations and emojis so relatable. wfh and slack is such a new concept, but the experience is so universal, it’s funny.

honestly, i really liked this one. couldn’t ask for more.