A review by kfriend
Untamed by M. O'Keefe


The epic finale of Poppy and Ronan’s dynamic love story does not disappoint. We have everything I’ve come to love about this Midnight Dynasty world- heart pounding suspense, intense chemistry, character complexity, and so much drama. And as always, we have an epic clash of the Morelli and Constantine families that brings everything to a head. Just delicious.

I left book 2 wanting a bit more evolution of these characters, and M. O’Keefe really delivered on that in this finale. Both of these characters have suffered so much within the tangled web of this Constantine-Morelli world, a dog eat dog world indeed. But these two make a stand- fighting for each other against impossible odds. Ronan the protector, but we also see Poppy finally fight. We finally got to see Poppy find herself - find her strength. Against the seemingly indomitable, big bad Caroline Constantine no less. And fighting for Ronan- a man who no one has truly fought for. And Ronan continues to be both dark and dreamy- the violent murderer, a dark presence, but a man who protects and loves Poppy with the same intensity. Their chemistry was so captivating- a beautiful emotive journey amidst all the fast paced action. Culminating in such a satisfying finale, some delightful cameos, and a delightful epilogue.

This story has been quite a surprise to me- in part, because I never thought I could get behind Ronan as a hero. One of the things I’m finding the most interesting about the Midnight Dynasty world is how much reading order influences your orientation to the characters and your understanding of their story. Having seen the worst in Ronan, I never thought I could be sympathetic to him, but he won me over big time. Of course, the wider this world gets, the more it opens up the opportunity for inconsistencies- either with characters or back story- and I did see a bit of that here in book 2 and in timelines, but for the most part, its amazing how characters I saw through another characters’ eyes- like Ronan- evolve when I see them through their love interest and their own eyes, they evolve. I’ve also enjoyed discovered the writing of M O’Keefe- she’s an author I’m looking forward to reading more from in the future.