A review by samnreader
One Night Wife by Ainslie Paton


I loved what I saw as the premise of this book. It's MOC meets fake relationship....It's a con man who pulls someone in just enough to not know she's part of a major game. And ultimately, it's a sweet story.

There's good stuff here--the Sherwood family, of which Cal, the hero, belongs gets rich off scamming heartless oppressor mega rich. Lots of things here that make Americans angry in everyday life (tax loopholes, rich don't donate much etc etc) and there's discussion of it too. Artful? Nah. But that it's there get it credit. And yes, Robin Hood.

I've read Ainslie Paton before. I think her books end up being a tale of 3 stories. Not sure what to say but that the beginning, middle, and end have a weirdly disjointed feel-and where I really enjoyed the beginning: The chemistry between the lovable main characters, Fin, and Cal. Cal's slow realization of why and how he was coming to love Fin. The torture of putting off a physical relationship for a purely business one--it sagged. It sagged so much by the time they kissed and slept together I didn't find it hot, I just did not care. And by the end. I was skimming.

As it stands I'm at 85%. Paton's pacing is weird. I'm coming to the realization that she's not the author for me, sad as that is. The big secret still isn't revealed, and with so little page count left, I'm not really curious how it goes or how it's resolved. It's a bummer, some really nice writing (some melodramatic) and a promising, clever, and low angst book have me technically DNFing, but you know...85% counts for me. Low drama should not necessarily mean low tension--and somehow, that's just what happens here.