A review by felicitybennett
The Wishsong of Shannara by Terry Brooks


This book was the first book of Shannara I purchased at a book sale. I did enough research to know it was the third in a trilogy but not enough to realize I didn't have to waste my time with the first two.
Wishsong is eons better than Sword or Elfstones, the characters are finally fleshed out where I don't feel like I'm following a piece of cardboard flowing in the wind and the action isn't reserved to the last 20% of the novel.
The high fantasy post apocalyptic world is something that I am extremely interested in learning more about, but Brookes continues to just talk about the age of men instead of showing it. I want ancient ruins of metal and forgotten nuclear waste sites! Anything that tries the idea to the actual story. We get glimpses such as a character who uses chemistry but not enough for it to truly feel like the world was once our own.