A review by rhisreadstxt
Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han


" all you can really do is be glad for it, glad for each other, for as long as you have each other "

always and forever, lara jean is arguably the best book of the tatbilb and my favorite of the trilogy. lara jean goes through so much character development in this novel, going from a high school senior terrified of change to an almost college student who decides to change which university she's going to in the fall on a complete whim. she learns a lot about herself and what it means to sacrifice so that she can live the life that works for her and gives her room to grow.

there's a disgusting little part of me that wishes that peter and lara jean didn't end up staying together at the end so that they can grow as their own separate people, but not end their relationship in a way that meant that they couldn't come back together when they're older. the soft, romantic part of me, though, is really glad that they did stay together despite everything; between going to two different universities far away from each other and peter's mom being kind of a bitch, they decide that they will put in the work to be together.

all in all, always and forever, lara jean brought me back to the way i felt as a high school senior -- and i only graduated a year ago! it really encompassed the way i felt and still feel about college, being away from family, the anxiety of learning how to be on your own for the first time. i really, really loved this book and i know i'm going to miss lara jean and peter.