A review by darlingqod
A Safe Space, by E.M. Tippetts


"You do not need to have read any of these books before A Safe Space. Each book has a standalone story in it, so they can be read in any order."

Upon requesting this title, I had no idea that this was a part of a series. A spinoff, to be exact. And although they had said that it could be read separately, even if you haven't read any other novel in the series, I still feel like I'm missing something.

Anyway, I think it's safe to say that I liked this novel more than I thought I would. I plunged into this without so much of anything. I just pointed my finger on a galley I am yet to read and started without anything else.

I thought it started off a little confusing--probably because it's part of a series I hadn't known of until now (shame on me)--well, except for the fact that Lizzie has a crush on her friend's gym instructor. It was as if we've just been thrown into the world and left to comprehend with however that world works. Lizzie, the main character, is an actress, which is something we all can't relate to, so I suppose it's understandable, but I learned get the hang of it as the story goes on.

“If attraction were a logical process life would be so much easier, but it isn’t. At all.”

I had a sort of love-hate relationship with the novel? I thought the pacing was slow and that sometimes you literally have to wait for something to happen, on the other hand, the chapters are kept short and interesting, so you get to guess what's to happen next and flip the pages until you're done.

This novel is funny. More than twice or thrice, I would find myself stifling a laugh because of something from this novel. Tippetts' writing is (for the lack of better word) smooth and easy to read. The author uses simple, everyday words, but she finds a way to weave them together to keep you entertained and not once bored with the novel.

I wasn't too fond of the romance, though. I found it rather... slow and abrupt--both at the same time. I'm obviously not making any sense here, but I'll try my best to explain my point. I thought Lizzie was too desperate and Devon was too... stupid? I mean, I liked them, at the beginning. But things went downhill when the novel started to focus on the romance itself. I found it quite hard to read and very frustrating at times that I sometimes wanted to hurl it out the door or something. But it managed to work its way back into my liking during the last chapters--not completely, but enough for me to give it four stars.

A Safe Place is a funny, relaxing, and interesting read. It's written in absolute perfection that would keep you wanting for more--a novel that would make you want to read it again right after you finish.