A review by booklovinmamas
Falling In by Lydia Michaels


Full Review posted at Book Lovin' Mamas

Falling In definitely has the same elements of my favorite movie, but it's definitely more seductive and wicked. Lucian is very Falling In definitely has the same elements as my favorite movie, but it's more seductive and wicked. Lucian is very domineering in Falling In, and he may have a cold/hot attitude in the book that may drive readers to hate him. In my opinion, though, it made me adore his character more. He grows in the book towards Evelyn, and he's very protective of what he cares about in his life. Evelyn is the sweet, innocent girl at first but she has a different side to her that is going to come forward throughout the book. She doesn't make it easy for Lucian, and she likes to keep her vulnerabilities a secret, but she knows how to handle her vulnerabilities.

If you enjoy, a story that has all the usual elements of contemporary erotic romance with some BDSM elements then Falling In is for you. I give this book 5 full moons, and I look forward to reading the next book in the trilogy. There is a slight cliffhanger for readers that need a warning ahead of time before diving into the book. I know some readers don't like cliffhangers, but in this case, you need it. =) It makes you want more after reading what certain characters have planned.