A review by misspalah
The Taliban Cricket Club by Timeri N. Murari


A friend of mine bought this book for me. She knew that i'm obsessed with this kind of genre thus anything with Taliban/Afghanistan/War Torn Countries will immediately captured my attention. She's not wrong anyway, i love these kind of books. This book is a bit light compared to other books ive been reading ; not that i didnt like it but i find it at some point certain scene just impossible. That's the beauty of Fiction, you dont have to surrende it all to reality. A little bit imagination and creativity helped in expanding the story line. I've been bollywood's fan since i was little but still i have no idea how the cricket was played. Maybe my mind just not meant to understand the beauty of this sport. Even after reading this book, i didnt get the whole game trick. Murari explained it well and concisely but man, i dont where my mind have stranded during those pages. This is overall a charming book but i'm still not sure whether it will belong in my favorites shelf or not. We'll see later.