A review by boekenworm
Thicker Than Soup by Kathryn Joyce


I lost this book after downloading it on my kindle and found it once again 3 years later. The book blurb had me interested. The time line of the story runs through the 1980's. The story is told mainly from Sally's point of view. However her story is interwoven with, 'flashback ' like chapters, told from John's point of view. At first I found the 'flashback' like episode a bit annoying but as the story moved along, it became clearer why the author decided to tell the story in this way. The story held me enthralled for much of the book. However 75% of the way the story made a turn that I found hard to believe. The novel started out telling us about Sally and her quest for equality in the work place and her life as an indepedent woman, to arrive at Sally converting to her older and rather conservative new husband's religon and basically discard all her ideals. Part of the novel is of course about Sally's journey from young woman to becoming a married women with children and how this changes her outlook on life. However I found the transition to stark and therefore hard to believe. The story gives us some insight into the history of the partition between India and Pakistan and adds an additional layer to the story. John's story is a lot more straight forward but has an interesting twist in the end. The story ends rather abruptly and I would have liked to have read a little more about the Sally, John and Sammy "reunion". Altogether an interesting and recommended read.