A review by bookworm2913
Born of Air by A.L. Knorr


Just... whoa!

Okay, this book blew me away! That ending...! I am on pins and needles here, full of anxiety to inhale the next book to see what is going to happen!!
It’s amazing when you read a book and feel a desire to have their job, their ability, their experiences. It’s even more amazing when you read a series of books that all elicit these feelings in different ways! These books are all so incredibly different yet they are all connected. And I want to BE each character! A mermaid, an earth witch, a nanny in Italy, an immortal shapeshifter, an archeologist...
also, even though many books have been written about elementals and nature witches, these gals are definitely unique and original! The concepts are detailed and so “realistic” that I am repeatedly shocked that they’ve never been written about before (that I’ve read)!