A review by tschmitty
Wild Boy: My Life in Duran Duran by Andy Taylor


Things I learned from Any Taylor:

He really hated making the "New Moon on Monday" video.

He single-handedly wrote every Duran Duran song ever done, minus lyrics.(love ya Andy, but not buying it)

He and JT were giant coke heads through much of the 80's.

Juliane was DD's "Yoko" and (my inner Duranie could not be happier!)

DD tours had loads of excitement including bloodshed and knife fights.

They had to cheat to beat Spandua Ballet at British trivia game show. (C'mon guys! Like you could not have done this legit, coke-headedness aside?!?!?!)

Andy had a low tolerance of Nick and his control freak, pretentiousness.

Andy blew the coup again instead of being forced to work with people like Justin Timberlake. (Can't blame ya Andy, the new record sucked!)

Despite it all, Andy remained a good hubby and father, good for him. Andy's father seemed like a wonderful man too.

Fun read, whether Andy truly wrote it or not. I liked his take on things, and would gladly read a tell all by any of the remaining four. I miss Andy in the band. DD is not the same without him!