A review by compass_rose
Fly by Night by Frances Hardinge


Not sure it's really YA. Some of the action is complex, there are a lot of characters and faction, and the theological subtext would have confused the heck out of me any time before grad school. But I loved it. Action-packed start-to-finish. Strong, but developmentally-accurate main character (12yo Mosca Mye who acts much as a 12yo would). Loved the writing style. I am excited for the sequel.

I am a fan of [a:Tamora Pierce|8596|Tamora Pierce|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1209044273p2/8596.jpg]. If you liked her books, especially those with Beka Cooper ([b:Terrier|13829|Terrier (Beka Cooper, #1)|Tamora Pierce|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1294615834s/13829.jpg|3056999]), you will probably like this, too.