A review by erboe501
If This Isn't Nice, What Is? (Much) Expanded Second Edition: The Graduation Speeches and Other Words to Live by by Kurt Vonnegut


I read Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five years ago, and I don't remember much except being confused and thinking the book was strange. I picked up this collection of graduation speeches two or three years ago, but I just got around to reading it a few weeks after my own college graduation. I enjoyed some of the themes in his speeches: build yourself a large family, be kind, enjoy the moment. But many of his speeches went off on some tangents that didn't necessarily seem directly connected to graduates, although I might just be missing the context. I don't think I would have appreciated Vonnegut coming to speak at my graduation only to use the platform to go on about an unjust war or something else political. Regardless, the edition is beautifully put together with nice illustrations.