A review by pirogoeth
Doomwyte by Brian Jacques


I just finished Doomwyte, the twentieth book in the Redwall series. Right now it’s the only one I don’t own. Obviously I love the series. Every book follows a simliar formula, but is always a great story.

This time the Redwallers and the evil don’t have much to do with each other for a while. Korvus Skurr, leader of the Doomwytes, wants to restore the eyes to the Doomwyte idol and lead his flock of carrion birds into a great new age. A passing bird evesdrops and hears a story told by a young Redwaller, Bisky, regarding the jewel eyes. This starts everything into motion.
Skurr tries to find out information by trying to have a Redwaller kidnapped. The stupid birds try to take a Dibbun (basically a toddler) who wouldn’t know anything of the story. Without knowing that someone else is interested in the jewels, a small group starts to work on finding them. From there more adventures ensue, friends and enemies are met, and finally the final confrontation occurs with… no, I won’t spill the ending. ;)

It is a wonderful book as usual. It’s interesting to see how many little changes have occured over the series. For a while there was at least one character that was around in the previous book. Now we’re lucky to get a name mentioned in passing. This one deals with a character from way back in the beginning of the history of Redwall Abbey. Other little differences are there, but make sense as many seasons have passed since the first Redwall book was written. It’s still as good as ever and I am really looking forward to the next book!