A review by aly36
Don't Lose Her by Jonathon King


I enjoyed this book very much. I really enjoy mysteries and this book was very entertaining. I felt very sorry for the pregnant judge being held hostage. The ending was very good and I was trying to guess what was going to happen through the whole book. I have not read this author before but I would love to read more work by Jonathon King. This ARC book was mailed to me and not many authors send me paperback copies of there work, usually e-books. I do still very much enjoy reading the books that are not e-books as well. Thank you for sharing such a great book! I was surprised to learn this was book 7 in a series as well. I was not lost in this book and I like a series where you can jump in, in the middle and still understand the series. I would strongly encourage you to check out this book or series. * I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*