A review by kellepotato
A Lot like Love by Julie James


If ANYBODY thought for a mere second that they would be free of love triangles upon fleeing the realm of YA, they would be sadly and utterly mistaken. YOU WOULD THINK that a story featuring a calm, levelheaded businesswoman and a street-savvy undercover FBI agent would somehow be able to skillfully dodge the nasty entanglement of a third party in their midst, or perhaps take the extra body with grace, but NO. Instead, this third party somehow works his way into the story along with a gun, and you can't even bring yourself to blame the characters because this third party's feelings were misled In the Name of the FBI for The Good of the City and the Operation.

Possibly the most excruciating love triangle I've ever read (THAT'S a lie, I forgot about the Hunger Games for a second) but most definitely one of the best used as a plot device I've ever seen.

So yes. The love triangle was painful and awful and kind of juvenile, but it was done well because it was SUPPOSED to be gross.