A review by lynniew13
The Teachers: A Year Inside One of America's Most Heartbreaking, Uplifting, Important Professions by Alexandra Robbins


The Teachers: A Year Inside America’s Most Vulnerable, Important Profession shows how teachers have been represented with many hats to wear and roles to play. They are social workers, nurses, counselors, teachers, and mothers/fathers, to their students, and their job stays with them after leaving the building. The book follows a few teachers throughout the year with specific students highlighting these aspects.

The book contained too much of Robbins’ social commentary on the system. She does provide the reader with a decent account of teaching life by following three teachers, yet, there is more to be covered. Such topics as state and federal funding, wealthy vs. poor districts, how different areas value education, respect and manners of people on a whole, public vs. private education, and depending where you work in the country your role in public education is also different.

One reason teachers are underfunded is because America is a capitalist country and therefore, education is not important because it doesn’t make the country rich. Teaching is also about politics. Who is running the system dictates what and how education is taught.