A review by sherwoodreads
Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray

Copy provided by publisher.

This upper-end YA sfnal romance continues to be a standout.

While I found the central motivator for the plot to be a bit of a maguffin hunt (
Spoilerwhy the evil guy had to send her on various errands and not just destroy everything himself wasn't really convincing
), the opportunity to explore various possible dimensions, speculate about physics, time, and the universe, and above all, explore all the permutations of love and aspects of relationships, was nifty enough to catapult this book far above "second book slump."

I thoroughly enjoyed the way that Gray handled her love triangle, which goes out of the way to avoid falling into the same old tired tropes. The different versions of the two guys, and the way they interact with Marguerite--and how she makes mistakes with her assumptions, then learns--kept me immersed in the story.

I love the writing, from the emotional tones to the little moments (art, music, mundane things noticed that make a place distinctive), with high marks for the whole Russiaverse sequence, such a contrast to a couple of the other dimensions.

I also enjoyed the fast-paced, vivid action sequences, the variety of the dimensions, and the further development of Marguerite's family (including her sister Josie getting a much larger, and unexpected, role) added to my enjoyment.

There are some tantalizing hints about what may come, and be warned! This book ends on the cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers, making me desperate to read the next.

I'd say this book is for upper end YA as there is sexual content--and the consequences are honestly, and engagingly, explored.