A review by merer
Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity: Zero Gravity by Dave Roman


Astronaut Academy, I'm still not sure how I feel about you.

I want to be all kinds in love with this GN, and it was definitely funny at times, but something just seemed "off" about it--like it wasn't quite ready for the presses yet. I'm not sure that kids or teens will understand the jokes the characters make, or the references they drop. I also thought the plot was too scattered to easily follow. Frequently, I found myself thinking, "I don't even know what's going on in this scene." On several occasions I got to the point where I just wanted the joking to stop for a moment so that the story could progress. I think the series has potential and I'll be interested to see if the next one is a bit more organized.

On the plus side, it's a great read-alike for kids who love Babymouse or Choco Mimi, though I probably wouldn't give it to anyone younger than 10.