A review by girlwithhearteyes
Heavy by Cate C. Wells


4.5 stars 

I started reading this to see if the villains from Hitting the Wall got their comeuppance, but stayed because Dina and Heavy were smoking. 

She’s neurodivergent and he’s, well, heavy and ruthless (which is apt because his name is Heavy Ruth). Naturally, she seeks him out for help disposing of a body. Their first time had a lot of “you’re taking me so well” energy, which I was into. 😏 The story was very relationship-y and the motorcycle club stuff was there but in a supporting role — my favourite kind of MC romance. 

Cate C Wells definitely leaves plot threads unfinished though, and I’ve come to realise I can’t expect a story where everything is wrapped up neatly with a bow. The main couple’s relationship gets a satisfying conclusion, but the side plots? I guess real life is messy.