A review by frombethanysbookshelf
The Answer to Everything by Luke Kennard


Genre: Literary Fiction | Fiction | Romance

Release Date: Expected 13th May 2021

Emily has everything. A husband, two beautiful children, a great job and a new home in a trendy neighbourhood with wonderfully friendly neighbours.

But her and her husband don't talk anymore, she hasn't slept properly since the boys were born, she doesn't want to keep working so much, her estate is full of aging hipsters, and the neighbours might be an issue. Alathea is beautiful, confident and totally intimidating and her husband Elliot is ... a problem. He's charming, and funny, and understanding and she's finding herself undeniably drawn to the couple. But too soon her friendship with Elliot is all-consuming and out of control. They should be happy with their lives, but underneath they still want something more.

I'm just going to say it - everyone in this book was extremely unlikeable. They were dysfunctional, selfish, and destructive but somehow I was still desperately searching for their redeeming qualities and wanting to know more about them. The stark contrast between our two married couples was jarring - both messed up in their own unique ways that would never be obvious on the surface.

The Answer to Everything is a story about obsession, posession and jealousy thay can trickle from relationships into someones whole life - setting us up with a simmering tension that keeps the reader on edge without letting up - even through to the very end. Analysing the differences between just being stuck in a rut or finding yourself stuck in a life you don't want, this book called out to the part deep inside us that is desperate for love and connection.

I read through this in one sitting - it was easy to read and quite addictive - although there were a lot of long text message exchanges that went on for quite some time but still added something valuable and the ending was most definitely not anything I saw coming but left me wanting just that little bit more - no doubt completely on purpose.

This was a story about counting your blessings, but your crosses too - It was strange and uncomfortable and awkward and I loved every minute of it.

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you to Luke Kennard, Fourth Estate and NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.