A review by tbandlerjohnson
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers


AHHHHHH! That is the only way I can think to put my excitement into words as I sit down to try to write a quick review.

First of all, freaking historical fiction for the win! I think we as an entire YA community do not read enough/have enough historical fiction. I absolutely loved being transported into a completely different time and place- one that was very real at one time in history!

Our main character, Ismae (love that name), has dealt with some MEAN, rugged men in her life, namely her father and her "betrothed." So, when she mysteriously gets swooped away to a convent involved with the dealings of death one night, she is not opposed. In fact, Ismae learns that her dance with death in her mother's womb (her mother drank poison when she was pregnant with Ismae to try to "expel her from her womb." yuck.) was not just a coincidence. Apparently, death would not allow her to die and "sired" her in order to do his work. It is revealed to her that she has special abilities in order to help her deal death more efficiently. Example: she is immune to all poison.

Towards the beginning of the book, Ismae literally JUMPS at any chance to do st. mortain's work by killing one he has marqued. However, quickly after her first kills, Ismae is assigned a job that will change her life forever.

The romance is amazing. The love she gains for unexpected people is touching. And the mystery, action, and excitement is amazing. Even the longer parts in the middle did not bore me. I was glued to the book the entire time I was reading it and just LOVED it.

Go read it. Now.