A review by markyon
Keep Watching the Skies!: American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties, the 21st Century Edition by Bill Warren


It's taken me a while to get this, partly because of the rather hefty price tag.

However, it was worth it. Bill looks at hundreds of B-movies in a nice chatty style, mixing facts with opinions of well known 1950's movies (War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, Forbidden
Planet) with many less known, often derided ones (The Blob, Abbott and Costello Go to Mars).

It's a lot of fun, and perhaps does what it means to do, in that it's made me want to watch movies I've never watched or rewatch movies I've dismissed in the past.

A book to dip into rather than read from cover to cover. But I did enjoy reading Bill's opinions about movies that are my firm favourites, as well as discovering some I've never heard of - Fire Maidens of Outer Space, anyone?