A review by findyourgoldenhour
Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True (as Told to Me) Story by Bess Kalb


I loved this book so much. Equal parts tender, poignant, and hilarious, I felt like I could listen to the author tell these stories on a loop forever (the audio version is fantastic). You could feel the deep connection between grandmother and granddaughter, how much they truly loved and truly delighted in one another. Everyone should be so lucky, to be loved this well.

The fraught complexities between mothers and daughters is so well told here. We see how a mother can let her rough edges go soft when she becomes a grandmother, and then all that is left is her ability to fiercely love her granddaughter. I wanted to be Bobby's granddaughter. I mourn for Bess's sake. Her pain and sadness at her loss is also a deeply tender part of the story.

This makes it sound like a sappy tear-jerker. It's not! Bess Kalb is a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show! I did cry, but I also laughed. A lot. Go read or listen. You’ll see what I mean.