A review by rebecca_3
The Black Sheep and The Rotten Apple by K.A. Merikan


This book was amazing. The best K.A. Merikan I have read in a long time. And I would say that Evan and Julian can compete with my favourite K.A. Merikan couple, Dom and Seth. Usually I read their books as soon as they are released, but I delayed reading this one for awhile because I find the title and the cover unappealing, but it is so much better than it looks.

It is a darker story, with crime and violence and dub-con. And D/s undertones. But if you love K.A. Merikan you are probably ok with all that. But the best part of the whole book is Evan and Julian. Their love is so intense. The book is fairly long and it gives time for their relationship to develop from hate to unstoppable love. They are just so perfect together and I could feel it happening from fairly early on. Like the scene in the observatory. That gave me the first taste of what I was in for and I was not disappointed!