A review by snazel
The Eternal Kiss: 13 Vampire Tales of Blood and Desire by Trisha Telep

Falling to Ash- Karen Mahoney
Moth gets rejected by her birth family, then takes refuge in the love of her new family, who immediately sends her to steal from a Vampire hunter. Sounds to me like BOTH families are abusive.
Overall- Poor, poor Moth. Please don't kill me, Moth.

Shelter Island- Melissa De La Cruz
I like the voice! Much more than I expected, actually. I hope Dylan made it to the mainland.

Sword Point- Maria V. Snyder

The Coldest Girl In Coldtown- Holly Black
And THERE is the darkness that goes with the vampire trope.

Undead Is Very Hot Right Now- Sarah Rees Breenan
I LOVE THIS. It's about a Vampire recruited to join a boy band and love at first sight. You can just tell she loves what she's writing, which for me is the break over. Also, it's hilarious, has a cast of six major characters in 38 pages, and I love it. *flails incoherently about*

Kat- Kelley Armstrong
A spinoff of her Darkest Powers trilogy.

The Thirteenth Step- Libba Bray
Well done, with a believable ending. Not happy, but believable.

All Hallows- Rachel Caine
Because I'm not such a fan of the whole Vampire trope, I didn't think I was ever going to pick up anything by Rachel Caine. However, given how much I enjoyed this story, I may have to change that plan. It was just fun!

Wet Teeth- Cecil Castellucci
This, on the other hand, was not fun. I read it in terror and dread cause I accidentally read the last page first. And yeah. Unhappy times.

Other Boys- Cassandra Clare
I don't wanna spoil it for you, if you're going to read it. The last line has been stuck in my head for two days. "And they were right. There would be other boys." *evil grin*

Passing- Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie

Ambition- Lilith St. Crow

All Wounds- Dina James
The dialogue on this one was delightful. :D And I enjoyed the worldbuilding.