A review by joanav
Sword of Darkness by Kinley MacGregor


Opinião em português em: http://pepitamagica.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/livro-sword-of-darkness-de-sherrilyn.html

Ever since a friend of mine showed me the Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters Series I’ve decided that I would not lose sight of this author. I found on Goodreads this "Lord of Avalon" series that took me to Camelot- but this Camelot is not the one you know.

Kerrigan is the male lead and he’s the owner of the Caliburn sword, the “evil twin” of Excalibur – he carries the sword of Darkness. For those of you who may not know, these two swords were created by the Lady of the Lake, so that there would be balance in the world, with a Merlin of Light and a Merlin of Darkness – Kerrigan.

In this book, Merlin isn’t exactly the Merlin we know – that old man with white beard and infinite wisdom? Well…he doesn’t have any beard, he is not old, he does not have infinite wisdom and…he is not a he. One of the things I most liked in this book is that Merlin, a beautiful woman, admitted that in the age that Kerrigan had been proposed to choose between light and darkness, and considering the way the proposal had been made, maybe even she (the current Light Merlin) would have chosen darkness.

The book has a fast pace, it’s interesting and it’s romantic and adventurous at the same time. I’m definitely continuing to read this book series, I love Camelot, I like the author and the stories she creates. This book left me with a smile on my lips and wanting to know more about the other characters. Can’t wait to read the next one.