A review by thereadingwren
It Takes Two to Tumble by Cat Sebastian



Wins title of "Most Surprising" because I'm over here totally loving this when it's a historical fiction - my LEAST favourite genre. And I'm now planning on reading the trilogy!

I'm still kind of in shock with how much I liked this. I thought I'd really hate it (even though it's Queer) because it's historical AND about a gay priest. There was a lot that could have gone totally wrong in this, but once I could get past the historical stuff it was really great.

The thing I love most about this is that despite being historical and despite one of the characters being a priest there was never one little tiny bit of shame about two men loving one another. There was no self hatred, no disgust about loving another man, and the clergyman still loved God and knew God loved him even though he loved a man. It was refreshing.

The romance was really great and I could definitely see the chemistry, I do wish it could have been developed a little more. Often times the guys would be so utterly into each other and sure of their relationship but then the next day they could hardly stand to be in the same room as one another even though nothing bad had happened. It was a little confusing.

The family vibes were really great. I love the children and how they were their own solid unit that eventually trusted the adults. It was all very beautiful and the dyslexia story line was a really great addition and both the father and son suffering through made their bond really special. Phillip getting closer to his kids and not wanting to leave them was the best part of this book.

THE ENDING, that was so beautiful, a perfect ending for Ben and Phillip and their brand new lives.

I doubt I'll ever give historical romance a 5 star, but this was really great and I'm looking forward to more of those wild Sedgwick's.