A review by rellimreads
The Many Sins of Lord Cameron by Jennifer Ashley


Note: This is book 3 in Ashley’s Mackenzie’s & McBride’s series, and while the stories of each couple stand on their own - these are best experienced in order.

Book 1 is one of my favorite books ever, but this one comes pretty darn close to being as awesome as that. I loved getting to know Cam & Ainsley better and they were terrific together. Cheeky Daniel (now 16) was a delight as well. In some respects this was a bit of a slow burn as it took nearly half the book to come together, but all the flirting and innuendo was so much fun. Ashley loves to pair all the Mackenzie men with strong and opinionated women - Ainsley was no exception. However she’s equally loving, understanding, and absolutely Cam’s champion.

There was also some fun catching up on Ian & Beth as well as a little on Mac & Isabella. Teasers for what’s in store for Hart and I’m looking forward to The Duke’s Perfect Wife.

Angela Dawe was terrific again. She does a wonderful job with all the accents, voices, and personalities. These are such a treat to listen to.