A review by booksuperpower
The Merry-Go-Round by Donna Fasano


The Merry-Go-Round by Donna Fasano was originally published in 2009. This is a Hard Knocks Publication, now available in digital format.

After a long separation, Lauren finally gets her ex, Greg, to sign the divorce papers. In the divorce settlement, Lauren is deeded a piece of property she was not aware Greg even had.
The other big changes in Lauren's life is that her father is moving in with her. The two of them argue a lot. Her father is always suffering from some phantom ailment and Lauren is always blowing it off. To her complete shock, she finds out that her father has a love interest.
The elation and relief Lauren expected to feel after she finally got the divorce finalized, never came. The adjustment to having her peace and quiet disrupted by her father moving in with her and a new client whose father is interested in getting to know Lauren on a more personal level, has Lauren feeling confused.
When she finally makes it out to inspect her new property, she finds it's little more than a barn. But, inside it, is a old merry-go-round. Intrigued, Lauren does a little internet research and finds that if a little work was done on it, she could sell it and recover some of the losses Greg caused with his failed business. Maybe she could afford to set her father up in an apartment of his own.
But, Lauren is shocked to the core when she finds out that Greg has been living in the barn. Her father is allowing Greg to use her shower when she is not at home. Greg is also up to his old tricks by working for free. A war widow is having some work done on her house and Greg is helping her out for free. Lauren is jealous and angry that Greg still hasn't learned his lesson.

Lauren is also going through some hormonal issues causing her think about sex all the time. This makes her vulnerable to how nice Greg looks, and also to her new love interest.
Lauren begins to find out that life without Greg is not all it's cracked up to be. She begins to see past his flaws and look back on their marriage with a different perspective. But, Greg is getting close to the widow he's been helping out.
Is it really over for good between Lauren and Greg?

Each chapter began with a quote. Some of these I had heard before, but it had been awhile and I had to chuckle, but some of the quotes I hadn't heard and I laughed out loud at them.
The story was a really good contemporary romance. It's not uncommon for married folks to argue over money. When Greg inherited his father's hardware store, he did everything he could to keep it afloat. It didn't work out. By that time he had used up Lauren's retirement and savings with nothing to show for it. It's easy to become angry and bitter about things like that. Lauren was so mad at Greg she was blinded by everything else.
Some of Lauren's attitudes stem from her upbringing. It's understandable that she feels like failure was not an option. She was so accustomed to being in charge and in control of things.
Her father is also beginning to see his failures had a bearing on the unhappy life Lauren is now living. He is also having trouble moving on with his own life, being way too involved in Lauren's.
A great lesson is the trials of marriage and family and what is really important in life. Money issues come and go and the economy slaps us down, and it is more than a little stressful. But, it's more important to stick together no matter what. Hopefully, it won't be too late for Lauren and Greg.
Overall this one gets an A.