A review by bridgets_books
Academic Curveball by James J. Cudney


Academic Curveball is the first in Mr. Cudney’s Braxton Campus cozy mystery series.

I think this is a stand-up triple, to use baseball vernacular. First books in a series require a different angle as so much backstory, and character introduction is involved.

The characters are well-written. Kellen is somewhat typical as a middle child and has a bit of a strained relationship with his parents. Thank goodness for Nana D. She is a hoot! The cast is detailed and diverse.

Without giving away too much of the plot, the mystery builds slowly throughout the story. I was so sure I had the murderer “tagged,” but I was wrong. New characters, each with a possible motive, keep the intrigue high. The story moves along at a good pace, keeping you turning the pages.

The author is upfront about Academic Curveball being the first in a series. You know this means there is a cliffhanger at the end, and it was a big one.

I recommend this book to all lovers of cozy mysteries and clean fiction with a bit of romance.