A review by inthebelljar
Local Star by Aimee Ogden


I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway by the publisher.

Probably more like 3.5 stars? Rounded up.

Local Star is a fun sci fi action/romance novella that I just generally enjoyed reading. The action and plot is fast-paced and entertaining and the world-building is impressively vast and interesting. I feel that the middle part got to be a bit rough to get through - not a lot happening, lots of repetition of how (understandably, but still redundantly) upset Triz is about her partner, Casne, being accused of a horrendous war crime and trying to think of ways to prove her innocence - but the start got my attention, and the ending was snappy and well-paced as the story reached the climax.

It was also nice to get to read a novella with queer polyamorous representation, and I loved that the metamours had their own bonding and closeness. I am not polyamorous myself so I don't want to speak as an authority, but one thing that did bother me was this idea that Triz needed her own partner to bring into a quad? At first I thought that this was a result of her own insecurity and unhealthy self-esteem and would be challenged more, but...ultimately it didn't feel as contested as I had hoped?
Spoiler It's not that I don't think that Triz and Kalo couldn't have gotten back together at the end without implying this, but even Kalo at the end mentions something about how a trio with partners and a diagonal line wouldn't work...? But why not? I've known several polycules in real life where one person dates two people who are metamours and are not romantically involved. I understand if Triz, Casne, and Nantha desire to be a quad, ultimately, but there's nothing wrong with them being a triad in this way....
I did really enjoy Triz's interactions and dynamics with Casne's quadfamily and the struggle for her to feel a part of the family, too, despite loving Casne and her quadparents.

I did also wish Nantha, Casne's wife, had more of a presence in the story. She's mentioned several times but only appears once and seems almost forgotten at times? Triz feels guilt over forgetting her at certain points, too, but ultimately I really felt her absence.
Spoiler Like Triz feels guilty about not telling Nantha about Casne's arrest before anyone else, but then at the end...did anyone tell her about Casne's trial and proven innocence? The attack on the Hub? There was no mention of her! I kept waiting for them to at least briefly explain they had called her.

SpoilerI did appreciate that Triz's anti-modding attitude was called out eventually, as I know I got very irritated at first from her reactions - I only wish it went a bit more in-depth, though I'm glad she realized she has some prejudice to work on.

Obviously, I had my few complaints, but I also did really enjoy this novella. It's fun, I enjoyed the character dynamics and sense of found family (for Triz), and the world-building was interesting and well-done. I'd certainly recommend this novella if you're looking for a quick and fun sci fi action/romance read with a queer polyamorous focus.