A review by ladyophelia
A Map for Wrecked Girls by Jessica Taylor


Honestly, I wanted rate this book 2.5 stars, but I can't. I almost quit reading this book several times. The sisters had a very unhealthy relationship, and I'm glad that was portrayed. However, there were several issues in the book. Like Henri was almost gang raped, then comes home drunk and has sex with Jesse. This situation was just overall problematic. Then there's the issue of Henri and Gavin, her teacher. So these two get involved, and when her sister tells her mom, she comes to regret it later. Henri is portrayed as the seductress and her sister later regrets outing them. Henri even gets slut shamed by Jesse in front of her classmates. This entire situation was just problematic, and I really want to give the author 1 star. The 2 stars is because she has decent writing skills.

I would also like to note that Henri was in no way at fault in the "relationship " with Gavin. It takes two to tango, and Gavin is a goddamn adult. He should know better. Portraying Henri as the seductress and later having the sister state he already forgave her for reporting him was disgusting.