A review by jilljemmett
Cassandra Steps Out: Book 1 by Isabelle Bottier


This is a cute story about a girl who can communicate with animals.

I love dogs and cats, so I enjoyed this story. Cassandra has a special power that lets her communicate with animals. This includes an ability to reach out with her mind to find a lost cat.

There were some great tips throughout the book on how to treat pets. There was a section at the end about Cassandra’s pet dog and how she trained her and looks after her. This would be great for kids with pets.

I didn’t like the way the story about the lost cat turned out. There was a twist involving the person who sent them a ransom note for the cat, but it was very strange. I wish it had a better conclusion.

Overall, I liked this book and I’d like to see what happens in the rest of the series.

Thank you Thomas Allen and Son for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.