A review by booksandlemonsquash
The Confectioner's Guild by Claire Luana


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I give the Confectioner’s Guild a strong 3.5 stars as it is a light and fun look at magic and conspiracies and romance and murder. Yes I just said fun approach to murder. 😂 but it is! It’s cleverly done actually - a murder mystery but also lots of baking and light fantasy. See? Fun! 😂

It did take me a while to catch up to what was going on, much like Wren, but I think it’s an approach that works. The baking is fun, and made me want to break my diet lol. The magic system is inspired as well, as is it all being a big secret. I like the way that all played into the conspiracy and crime aspects of it.

Wren is a hard character to get to know - we learn very little about her, and she is a little easily distracted by boys (ugh romance), but she is determined and focussed on getting the evidence she needs. Hale I quite liked originally, just because he was fun and silly, but I didn’t like him treating Wren like a play thing when she’d said no, and I didn’t end up liking him overall. And we don’t really learn enough about Sable to say anything. I think that’s my biggest complaint (other than romance lol) - you don’t really learn enough about any of the characters. Similarly with Lucas, he’s okay, but I don’t really see why Wren likes him so much. I did like his actions throughout though. And Callidus was probably the most interesting, even if his actions in the first scene are completely unjustified and stupid.

Given all that, I liked the set up and the tone enough to plan on reading book 2 - and I am definitely hoping for more of the political intrigue.