A review by amylauren36
Chasing Love by Kat T. Masen


If I could give this book zero stars…I would.
The rollercoaster ride that was this book y’all. The actions of the main characters made ZERO sense. The woman in this book is soooo boring and she does the most cringy things. Not to mention she’s all, “I want Julien! He won’t hurt me like you did” and then corners the main male character and says, “what’s your problem?” like she has no idea why he’s being broody and annoyed with her—-ummm maybe because he loved you and tells you and you said to him that you are still going to marry Julien??

Also, the main guy calls a PI to basically Google her and tell him about her life but he couldn’t have called this PI to actually do his fucking job and find her for 9 years?? Unbelievable for a guy who says he looked everywhere for her and has a shit ton of money.

Generally this book was painful to read. The writing is so bad. I started highlighting actual passages from this book that were terribly written to share in my review and I lost count of how many I had and I had difficult time picking just one—so just take my word for it that the writing is awful.

It felt completely unedited, flippy floppy, and made no sense y’all. Tropes we’re just thrown in there without any forethought, and not executed well. The main guy is all, “I told you, I don’t share. You’re MINE” all growly like and that felt so random. Of course he shares. He didn’t even look for her for 9 years and then used the excuse of “I thought you were better off without me” and “ I couldn’t find you”—huh??

Oh and this book has some blatant racism so that was awful to read too and also completely unnecessary to the plot. This book could have been 300 pages less and maybe slightly better but still terrible.

I only finished this book so I could adequately and fairly give it 1 star (but less imo if I could) and write a fair review of how terrible it is. Thank god I didn’t spend money on it