A review by megmro
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


I'd been meaning to read this one for a long time, and was finally able to muster the courage because my book club chose it for their monthly read. Like any awesome dystopia, the word of Gilead is strange, strict, and scary. I like the way the author keeps things hidden as the story unfolds; Atwood kept me curious and nervous the entire read.

I wish I could give it three and a half stars. I can't say I truly liked the book. It was well written and worth reading, but it is frightening, sad, and disturbing. I was particularly affected by her flashback of her young daughter being stolen from her--as a mother of young children, that was a little too horrific for me to handle right now.

This book sparked a fantastic discussion at book club on gendered power structures, and body rights.