A review by aesthekinetix
If She Only Knew by Lisa Jackson

Did not finish book.
The book started fine. The prologue was somewhat cliche but other than that, the next few chapters were alright. But then came that slow-ass "mystery" part of the book. Marla, the protagonist spends most of the time narrating how confused and conflicted she is and it is written in such an uninteresting way. Her character intrigued me at first and I was rooting for her but then, I got annoyed with her. I understand that she just got into an accident and has amnesia but does the narration have to be so boring? 

The romance was annoying. Marla and Nick are just there thinking about how sexy the other is. I can't feel any romance. There's no build up with the tension and chemistry. Fine, Nick and Marla had a past and they still have feelings for each other so there's probably no need for build up. Here's the thing. The romance is still supposed to make you feel things but I literally don't feel anything for those two's relationship. Actually, I don't really feel anything for any of the characters.