A review by booksandlemonsquash
Outwalkers by Fiona Shaw


When I was only a few chapters in I was already hooked! It seems a little slow in places but in a way that really draws you in, so not a bad thing at all!

I loved all the characters, and the dystopian setting. Dystopia is not always my favourite genre, but when it’s done well I love the way it is genuinely chilling and this is definitely that! Set in a very recognisable future Britain, it’s hard not to see how this could happen (however unlikely it would be!) and hard not to empathise with the characters. In fact my main let down with the book is actually not knowing more about how this all came to be (there are details shared about the catalytic events but not what led up to them) and specifically about what the debt thing the kids owe.

Character wise my favourite was obviously Jet! But I liked that swift looked out for Cass and similar with Martha and Davie. I also want to see more of Ollie hehe! They were all fab. Jake is a good main character - in places I was yelling at him to think harder about his parents, but he gets forgiven for being young and tough and brave :) and loyal to Jet! 🐶😍 though that dog was far too well trained!!

There are a lot of happy coincidences in what the kids luck into but also so many bad ones. The whole section in the underground, you could really feel the desperation. Sadly those coincidences did sometimes make it a little predictable.

I loved the bit in the department store. Surely that is every kids dream!

My only other main niggle about the book is the speech - the lack of quotation marks made it hard to follow when speech ended in places. Though having said that it wasn’t as bad or annoying as I assumed it would be.

Overall, a really good dystopian universe with interesting main characters. I highly recommend it!