A review by reagandrury
Thinner by Richard Bachman


Thinner- The plot was by far the best part. I really wanted to know what would happen and I kind of knew what the ending was already. The curse and the effects of it being different for everybody, as well as the themes of guilt and culpability really made this a good read. The characters were not as well developed as they could be, but Billy and Janelli were the standouts by far. They were very interesting to read about and had a specific way of speaking that drew me in. I think the setting was the weak point, partly because it doesn't really play a big part in the story. The trek to find the caravan was the biggest part it played, but that was the lull in the book for me. The writing was very engaging and well done. No quotes really stuck out to me with this one, but the story and juggling of very complex topics in a sort of silly way really sticks with me and was artfully done. The ending is honestly horrifying. By the end of the book, I understood why Billy was doing what he was doing to Heidi. But the one truly innocent person in all of it is the one who is punished. 

Final Rating- 3.5 out of 5 stars