A review by topdragon
Kindness Goes Unpunished: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson


The third Walt Longmire book is another excellent read and proves (just in case there was any doubt) that this series is no fluke and Craig Johnson deserves to be in the top tier of mystery authors. I think this may be my favorite so far, as evidenced by my reading it over the course of just two days.

The story this time moves east to the city of Philadelphia, and away from the rugged Absaroka County, Wyoming. Walt accompanies his friend Henry Standing Bear to attend a gallery opening of Henry’s prize collection of Indian photographs as well as to visit with daughter Cady. And since Philadelphia is also the home town of Vic (Walt’s deputy) and her large cop family, the trip becomes a sort of family reunion. But shortly after arrival, all Hell breaks loose, catching Cady in the cross-fire. Walt is forced to divide his time from her bedside in the ICU and chasing down leads on the case.

This is another compelling story, told in Walt’s often humorous and self-deprecating first person POV. The dialogue between Walt and Henry is always wonderful, especially when they manage to say so much in so few words. There are a few surprises in this volume, and it is clear that these characters will continue to grow and change as life happens to them. For this reason, it is important to understand that this is not a series that can be read out of order. I am pleased to see Walt coming to grips with events that impacted heavily on his outlook prior to the start of the series.

If you have not given these novels a try, I urge you to do so, starting with [b:The Cold Dish|109901|The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire, #1)|Craig Johnson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1398028367s/109901.jpg|105919]. As for me, book number four awaits…