A review by r_j_setser
Songlines by Carolyn Denman


Songlines is a fantastic weave of a common Bible story and a fantasy imagination. Bordering on the paranormal, this introduction to a unique YA adventure does more than bring the reader into its world, it takes everything we know in our world and adds “what-if?” to develop a beautiful, never-before-seen, scenario.

Though Songlines is very much based on the Bible’s Garden of Eden, I would not consider it wholly a “Christian book” necessarily. There is some mild cursing included in the dialogue and a lot of twists to the story of Eden that many Christian readers may be disappointed to see skewed in an “unbiblical” way (this is due to its Aboriginal inspiration as well). However, this book is not meant to provide a theologically sound point, it is a fantasy novel based on the concept of the sinless, perfect, paradise from Genesis. But, the author certainly kept the story of the Bible whole, as in, scripture that is quoted and explained is accurate to the actual story of the Garden of Eden, the difference is the storyline of this book. That may not make sense, but I’m trying not to post spoilers…So, long explanation short, I actually found this book to be very interesting and quite enjoyable.

It is YA, and a classic one at that. Which can be a good thing if done the right way. Predestined “soul mates” linked together in some way. Check. The most attractive characters in school banding together against a common enemy. Check. Lack of communication and a whole lot of internal, emotional conflict. Check. And of course, denying romantic attraction in the name of “they deserve better than me”. Also check.

Let me clarify, the above isn’t bad, I just found it incredibly easy to predict the storyline because so much was cliche.

So overall, I loved the unique spin off of the Garden of Eden and Songlines truly did hold my attention all the way through the book. I’m definitely interested in finishing the series, even if I found some of the character’s decisions to be predictable, so I give Songlines 4 out of 5 stars and do recommend it as a great YA Fantasy/Paranormal read!

I mentioned the very mild cursing, but it has no sexual scenes aside from a few (not-detailed) kisses. There is no action or gore worthy of being mentioned either.

I received this book from the author for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.

This is a LiteratureApproved.com Review.