A review by ccgwalt
Unveiled by Courtney Milan


TBR Challenge 2012-- Personal Challenge: this has been on my to-read list since April 2011.

Grade A-

Unveiled is a wonderful tale illustrating the wisdom of the saying, "What a tangled web you weave when first you practice to deceive." Lady Margaret poses as her father's nurse in order to seek vengeance on the man who is trying to ruin the ailing Duke and have her and her brothers declared illegitimate. But Ash isn't what she expected, and close quarters draws the two of them together. He admires her and makes her feel alive and important for the first time. She learns to respect him and to appreciate his good qualities.

Ash and Margaret are fully realized characters. They are interesting, unique, and completely entertaining. The ethical dilemmas facing both characters are real and not easily solved. The reader sees both sides of the issues, as do, at times, the characters themselves. I love how the novel unfolds and enjoyed the secondary characters, as well.

My main quibble with the novel is how it ended. I appreciated the complicated situation throughout the story and I knew the resolution couldn't be completely satisfying for all concerned. However, the way it ended, although unexpected, felt something like a cop-out to me.