A review by bookishlychar
A Heart Worth Finding by Amanda Chaperon


Jack and Jessica met three and a half years ago on spring break in Cancun in their senior year of high school. They had instant chemistry, a whirlwind romance, but agreed to go their separate ways. They decide to let fate play a part and agree if they ever run into each other, and are single, they will give dating a shot. Fast forward to today, where Jack and Jessica run into each other on their university campus. Having travelled in different groups, they didn't even know they were at the same school. When Jack and Jessica end up single on New Year's Eve they share a kiss and agree to give a relationship a shot. There are many obstacles that face them, including the end of college and what jobs they will do once they graduate.

The connection that Jack and Jessica was pretty intense right off the hop. It was insta-lovey, but a lot of time young love is like that. Once they come back together three years later, even though there is a connection they spend some time getting to know each other. I thought it was great how the couple communicated so well. Even when one was struggling, they turned to the other to talk about their thoughts and worries.

Oftentimes in a sports romance it is expected that the woman give up their dreams so the man can become famous in the NHL or at least the expectation that the woman will follow the man. That was not the case in this book, and I absolutely loved that. Jessica had dreams, just like Jack and they needed to figure out how those dreams can be achieved while still being together.

Amanda Chaperon had me worried many times throughout this book that there wasn't going to be a HEA, but do not worry, it happens in a unique and wonderful way. This was a great book about finding love at the wrong time, and being willing to give it a second chance. Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing Co-op for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% mine.

Read if you like: hockey romance, second chance romance, insta-love, cinnamon roll