A review by missleila
Ashes: A Firefighter's Tale by Mario Candelaria



“I received this eARC from netGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is in no way affected my opinion of the book, or the content of my review.”

May I just take a minute and express my love for the cover by just admiring it? Yes that way THANK YOU!

This comic/graphic novel was really realistic and heart touching because it dealt with real life issues and that was amazing. I deeply enjoyed it for what’s it represented. Great thanks to this wonderful author and illustrator for their efforts.
I liked the family and friend’s support plus the good and bad relationships all made the comic stand out.
however the main character was kind of an A** hole, I did not appreciate his character that much, he should know one thing if you choose a job like that you do not do it for FAME, you do because you want to help people and not be famous because that’s just wrong. minus one star for that

Overall, It’s Very realistic and relatable.