A review by ipross
Merit Badge Murder by Leslie Langtry

Someone once told me that you should never rate the first book by an author too highly, you should give the author something to strive for. I'm not sure I agree with that opinion, but I do try to at the very least look at both the things I enjoyed and the things I was maybe not so big a fan of. Start at a positive and end on a positive.

First, I want to say that as this was my first sojourn into this author's world, as with most other books, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. However, that being said, I did find that although I questioned at times how our female lead could possibly have been first on her class (and if this is how they turn them out maybe we should all worry). She has moments of immaturity that is not typically seen in mature people of her age, much less position and stature. However, overall I did find that it worked for the storyline and plot. Had she been the type of CIA agent we typically see in movies and tv shows, the story would not have played out as well as it did. Had she been a stick in the mud spook, the story would have bored me to tears within the first couple of chapters. As it stands, I found it fun, entertaining, and yes even ridiculous at times given her actions. But that's the wonder of Cozy Mysteries, they can venture into the ridiculous and still come out delightful and engaging to fans of that genre.

If you are looking for a hardcore , no holds barred mystery with its blood, guts and multitude of TW this is not the book for you. But, if you're in the mood for a light mystery that doesn't take itself too seriously, that will provide a few laughs on its way to solve a whodunit type of puzzle, then you will definitely enjoy Merit Badge Murder.