A review by coffeekat3
Silevethiel by Andi O'Connor


Despite the book being named after Silevethiel, the Protector and awesome lioness, the book largely revolves around Irewen. Irewen is introduced as a "human" princess.

The book alludes to Irewen being mysteriously special
Spoiler (with her interesting elven background)
, however, she did not appear very interesting to me at all in the book. She was quite generic as a character actually. In fact, in one of my updates, I mentioned that I finally saw character development 70% into the book. That is too far in to dig into some deep stuff. And it’s odd to me that Irewen knows nothing of her ancestry throughout most of the book.

“Desperately trying to think of what she could possibly do, she realized she was whispering in a foreign tongue. She’d never before heard anyone speak the language... she spread her arms to her sides, allowing the uncanny power to gather at her fingertips.”

Oh great, chosen one vibes out of nowhere...

Like, I can’t even take Irewen seriously here.
Spoiler Yeah it alluded to her being different, but I was thinking like, she was not only the daughter of a human king, but that her elven mother was of royalty and the elven side of her had secrets she needed to uncover- about her past and politics. But, she randomly shoots ice from her fingertips and we then discover that is something sea elves can do? Why are you telling us this now? I guess Avelindiel could give Silverden their nice weather and make flowers blossom, but nothing alluded to Irewen having any sort of magical power (other than her dreams). Why do authors do this 90% into the book and think it’s a miraculous moment?

I found Silevethiel to be much more interesting, considering the situation with her past protector, as well as Bregen. Both are very different, but have great chemistry together.

I am also surprised, and happy, with the way this book dealt with Laegon and his father’s relationship. It was surprisingly heartwarming and full of advice. I was not expecting that type of parent-child relationship in this genre.

76%: Very surprised and delighted to read political drama in this book (it always adds a bit of realism for me in fantasy novels). Odd that it happens 70% into the book...?

I am just confused how a book can be written very well, have some really great fantasy elements and political drama, yet over-all come across as mediocre. Like, the nature scenes were described so well and I could easily see elves living in this world. But, it was as if there were some missing pieces from a puzzle. I was honestly going to give this book 4/5 stars, but the ending had me gagging so hard, I just lost it.
Spoiler And OK, Irewen eventually acknowledged that she had always followed others orders and it was the moment when she finally trusted herself that she found her inner power. I get it, but it felt a bit rushed at the end. It was like, “Oh, we’re 90% into the book, time to make Irewen show she is the ‘chosen one’ so everyone can have their ‘I knew it!’ moment.” - was not subtle at all.

To be fair, I really did like the bulk of the book, I just didn't like the ending. But not liking the ending can change your perception of the entire book and here I was going to easily give it four stars, but the lame ending is making me debate taking a star away. If anything, the bulk of the book is really good, the ending just made me so conflicted. I'll settle with a solid 3.5 and round up on my rating.