A review by loonyboi
The Reaping by Bernard Taylor


An enjoyable, breezy little book that takes its time getting to the supernatural bits. The first half pretty much reads like a gothic romance, and then it suddenly takes a turn towards thriller. It never quite reaches full-on horror, which was a surprise (given that it's part of the Paperbacks from Hell series) but I thought it was good airplane reading. Definitely makes a nice contrast to the gross-out horror of [b:The Nest|5499702|The Nest|Gregory A. Douglas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1225854716s/5499702.jpg|5573750] and the holy-crap-wtf-just-happened horror of [b:When Darkness Loves Us|868727|When Darkness Loves Us|Elizabeth Engstrom|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1373375529s/868727.jpg|854113]. This series continues to delight.